Clean Mill Valley Could Use Your Help!
Want to help out but you just don't have the time to pick up litter? No problem! Clean Mill Valley is a volunteer organization supported by donations from local residents, like you! Your donation will help us purchase safety vests, litter pickers and other supplies to keep Mill Valley clean. Donating is simple! Just make checks out to: “Mill Valley Recreation” and (this is really important) on the memo line, write: “Clean Mill Valley” That's it!
Drop off or mail checks to: Mill Valley Community Center
180 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA 94941 |
Any cleanup can be a tailgate party!
Enjoy fresh air, make new acquaintances and feel the satisfaction of a job well done. We provide the tools and you provide the brawn. Join us by contacting joan@cleanmv.org. |
photos by Mary Osborn and Jill Young |
Join Us!
To receive email alerts about upcoming cleanups or be informed of our plans and activities, simply click here and send us an email with the subject line: Add me to your mailing list. Do it today! |
Cool Products!
The PikStik Grabber & Bag Ring
No more bending over or crawling under bushes to get those pesky, hard-to-reach pieces of litter! Use the Grabber with the Trash Bag Ring to make picking up litter easy and safe.
Click on the the links below to get these cool products! |
Visit PikStik
PikStik Pro is a multi-purpose reacher designed for all uses.