photo by Andrew Kearns

Coastal Cleanup

The Outdoor Art Club is a founding organization and partner of Clean Mill Valley. Their volunteers outnumbered ours at this year’s Coastal Cleanup along the Sausalito/Mill Valley Multi-Use path. In addition, a mom, a dad and a homeschooled seven-year-old collected a tire and a soggy baby mattress. Thank you to Mill Valley’s Public Works for removing the very heavy baby mattress that had been retrieved from Bothin Marsh. Also wrestled from the marsh was a scooter and at least 42 gallons of trash was removed from around the area.

Joining Clean Mill Valley and the Outdoor Art Club were two students from Quin Brow’s Environmental Studies Class at Tam High. Pictured on the right are Miyu Kawasaki and Ava McGarr, who scoured the area along with our other volunteers. Many thanks for all you do!

Celebrating National Earthday the Clean Mill Valley Way!

2023 Earth Day (April 22) in Mill Valley was jointly acknowledged by the women of the Outdoor Art Club, volunteers from Clean Mill Valley and a middle school student and her mom from Larkspur. This year’s efforts yielded less litter than in 2022. We’re hoping that this is because the educational message of Keep Mill Valley Clean has reached students and others at Tam High. Clean Mill Valley is known throughout Marin County as we continue to attract others to our mission.

Photo courtesy of Linda Varonin

Welcome to
Adopt A Spot!

Some of our members have already adopted spots where they regularly pick up litter. We are seeing good results, but we need more hands! We are encouraging people to pitch in and adopt a section of a street in their neighborhood, an area of a favorite Step, Lane or Path, or an unsightly corner at a bus stop. We hope our combined efforts will help keep our town, its creeks, marshes and Bay clean.

If you have any questions or would like to pitch in and officially adopt a spot to clean up, please contact Jill at

This will help us to coordinate our efforts and spread the word about Adopt A Spot!

By the way - Adopt A Spot is County-wide. Marin County and a number of towns have joined the movement. Check out the CleanMarin website for more information about the program in your area.

Adopt A Spot logo design by Mary Osborn

Would you like to report litter on the highway? Click here to file a report!

Joan Murray Honored at City Council Meeting

On January 8th, 2024, the Mill Valley City Council recognized our own Joan Murray, co-founder of Clean Mill Valley and long-time resident volunteer. Friends and family witnessed the City Council honor the extraordinary contributions of Joan to our community. She was presented with an official Proclamation expressing the heartfelt gratitude for her tireless efforts and enduring legacy as an exemplary community leader, volunteer, and advocate for positive change. Click here to read the proclamation in it's entirety. Thank you Joan!

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